Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Are You a Bumble?

Jaunting down I-480 east, to my summr job in Cleveland, personal reveries centered on my orchard once again. Normally, my focus would be on the nerve degeneration morning traffic I am still unacustomed to. However, this day, the sun was bright, traffic a bit lighter, framing the opportunity for a quick retreat into the mind and spirit.

I was reminded, by the One I love, of incidences when those around me have displayed or conveyed through actions, intruction, or advice; evidence of the fruits of the Spirit. There have been times when tempted to judge a person or situation rashly, a friend's perspective turned my gaze toward my opponants situation, thus fostering compassin instead of the blight of criticism. A positive fruit was implanted or pollinated.

Think of times in your life when others have fostrered sweet fruit in your life by releaving a burdon, walking with you through a storm, or sharing the delights of the fruit salad of God in their lives (enrichment from the Word). Rethink the situation and see what the outcome could have been if they God had not sent them to "pollinate" you.

Also, consider the times when you have been the happy little Bumble Bee bounding to and fro depositing the grace and love of God in others. Remember how they were changed and how you felt dusting their lives with the Truth in an appointed time.

It is much too simple to easy to allow the weeds of this world to choke out the delight of God's perspective. The world would tell you you're an optitmistic fake or and altruistic dreamer. It would have you believe you are not making a positive difference in a world which seems to thrive on sorrow, pain, and suffering. Yet, they are wrong.

How do I know this? Because God's Word and everything in my being says so. The world has told me repeatedly I cannot fly above the heartache that is a vital part of life. Yet, it is His grace which says I can. Besides, science has repeatedly cited that Bumble Bees do not have the wing capacity to fly. Bumbles pay no attention to what "experts" say. They just do what it is in their hearts...they fly, dispensing the necessary pollen for sweet fruit to grow.

Therefore, I, like the Bumbles, have chosen to ignore what the world says. For as long as God tells me to fly...that is what I shall do. However, if you see me grounded somewhere, please, take up the pollen of grace and set me to flight again....

Have a blesseed day...


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Perfect Mate

Pruning my fruit trees last weekend revealed what appears to be the promise of a bumper crop of all of the diverse varieties. This is a first for my little orchard as the trees vary so in ages. Delilghtful of a find as this was, what caused more elation was a suprise from my two plum trees.

My former husband and I, upon our arrival to our little country home 13 years ago, decided to plant this little orchard. Our first trees consisted of two peach varieties and one plum. During their growing and adapting years, the peach trees struggled through harmful plights such as scale and insects. Though difficult, they survived together. However, the damage suffered caused them to bear fruit at a much later age than most peach trees do.

The plum tree, however, flourished, appearing amazingly resiliant to all plagues. Yet, it lacked a vital entity...a mate.

Year after year, we planted more trees adding apples and more peaches. Yet, we never bought a mate for our plum tree. I'm not sure why, as we knew it would never bear fruit without a mate. It continued to grow tall and strong resisting everything mother nature threw at it. Yet, there it stood, year after year, unable to fulfill its created purpose. It could, however, provide other wonderful assests.
Due to its size and age, it gave great shade, shelter, and beauty to the birds and other creatures. It had beautiful flowers which fragranced the orchard every spring, alas, though, no fruit, nor reproduction of its beautiful self. There were other fruit trees, but only a plum, the perfect mate, could give this tree what it needed to be fully complete.

Two years ago, the spring before my divorce, compassion overwhelmed me for this now elderly lonely tree I have lovingly named Luke. I went to the store and bought a small little plum tree and planted it near him. The first year, the little tree grew despite being dug up by my dog Bella, braced a frigid winter, and parched through a droughted summer. This little plum, was not as resiliant as her counter part, but just as determined to grow into all she was created for.

Last weekend, I saw baby fruit all over her, a truly amazing feat considering her much younger age to Luke. However, the greatest joy was seeing Luke, the beautiful, patient, longsuffering giant completely covered with fruit. I rejoiced with this gentle giant, for the little plum tree had helped him become what he long desired...a parent.

Now, you may be asking yourself, what is this girl babbling about trees for? Well, if you are an avid reader to this blog :):) you know there are spiritual metaphors for nearly every experience given me. Here is this one's.

Sometimes there are those of us who have been given new life in Christ and good soil to grow in. We happily flower every year bearing blossoms of promises God has given us. However, it seems, after many years have passed without the fruition of those promises, we are doomed to have only blossoms to show for our faith.

Ever been there?

Sarah and Abraham have. I am right now.

The problem is, we tend to wither under the plight of a sick heart making us suseptible to the everyday viruses of life. Eventually we dry up spiritually, leaving not even a leaf of shade.

Therefore, a grand lesson can be drawn from Luke, the forebearing plum tree. When unfulfilled promise threatened to rob him of the sap of life, he drove his roots deeper, seeking nutrition from the mineral rich soil which is found far beneath the topsoil. This didn't come easily for him, he had to work, directing his roots around rocks, clay and other obstacles, in order to reach the sustanance he needed through these fruitless years. He stood there year after year in earnest awaiting the union of promise. If she had never come, he would have stood strong till the end of his days waiting for the promise, growing and producing what he could with the provision given him.

So too, must we, push through the disappointment of seemingly unfulfilled promises; pushing our roots deep into the Heart and Word of God, not allowing obstacles to hinder us. Just as Luke stood true to his calling year after year, in anticipation, keeping himself healthy for a future hope, so must we keep ourselves spiritually healthy for the day of His appearing. We too, must keep growing, flourishing as if the promise had all ready been granted much as Luke had, for one day you will wake up and find your promise planted near your own heart completing the purposes God has for you. Just because you cannot see her, does not mean she is not there. She is growing into the fulfillment she must become.

Therefore, whatever the promise you may be waiting for, know that it is coming. But in the meantime, continue doing what God has for you today, living as though the the promise was all ready here.

May you be encouraged my dear brethren, the years you've been waiting will yield a bumper crop of fruit much like my trees, so others may be nourished and blessed giving glory to the One who planned your completion before the beginning of time....

Ever and Always
