Monday, July 02, 2007

A Warning to the Prey

"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:1-

My heart is seared with the brand of sin and the death it brings. Last night a large raccoon was caught in the traps layed for its capture. It had broken through a rotted roof soffet and was living in my enclosed porch roof. It was snared with a few marshmallows, the cost of that animal's choice...death. Even now, I can hear it clawing, seeking a way of escape as the trapper is not due till this afternoon. He will give the animal a lethal injection, as raccoons are not allowed to be released in the wild in the state of Ohio.

Thinking of that poor ususpecting beast, I wonder if it could rethink its actions, would it consider its life an equal trade with a few marshmallows? Most likely not. Yet that is what has occurred.

So true, this vivid picture reminds me of the small insignificant bobbles of disobedience that cost me pieces of my life with Christ. Satan knows this all too well, he is a master hunter. He studies his prey, then, placing a few of our own personal "marshmallows" in a cage, he waits, for he knows it is but a matter of time until we take the bait.

He then begins his slow torment of deathly lies of our failures and inadequecies that sap the vibrant life of Jesus right out of us, until we shrivel under his hand of abuse. The once free warrior he feared is beset under his control for the price of a few marshmallows; lusts of the flesh, favor of men, pride, sexual perversion, forbidden fruits, self indulgence.....the list goes on.

What flavor of marshmallow easily ensnares you? We must be aware of our weaknesses and give them to the one who can save us from ourselves. I hope this visual concerning this pitied raccoon burns in my mind each time I sniff the enticing aroma of my own marshmallows.

I must, as you must, ask myself, "Are these few morcels of wrongful pleasure worth the life they will take?

Perhaps, if I stop and count the cost, I won't be so easily entrapped in the future...

May your day be blessed by focusing on what is good, pure, and true...

Delighting in Life...
