Monday, October 24, 2005

How Faceted Are You?

Warm gentle illumination encompassing an annointing hue bathed my presence as I sat awating the start of Sunday's sermon. I do so love the jewelry store type lighting most churches have installed. Any gems I may be adorning myself with take on a special radience under those lights.
This Sunday was no different. Glancing at a ring I bought in the Black HIlls last May, my eyes were captured by its luster. The stone is light pink set in an antiqued white gold setting. What caught my eye particularly was the many ways the stone sparkled. Whether I remained still or gently rocked my hand, a flash of light was to be seen from some part of the stone. I could feel the Spirit of God nudge at my heart.
"What is it that intrigues you Beth?"
"The many ways this gem reflects light."
"Look closely and observe what causes that....What do you see, Beth?"
"There's many facets to this gem. At first glance they are not noticable. They only become clear under the light."
"Very good. Now, what causes the facets?"
"I'm not a jeweler, Lord."
"You don't have to be."
"I'm guessing they are the cuts made on the stone."
"You;ve got it."

As we continued our conversation, too lengthy to display here, I realized the lesson He was sending me. The beauty of the stone, at least by my assessment was due to the many facets available to reflect light. If the gem had, say 2 or three, they probably would reflect larger amounts of light at one time, but not all of the time. So true of our lives. How many facets do we possess to reflect the light of God? This depends on the person. These facets are made by wounds, wounds that have been polished by the jeweler. Unpolished cuts do not relfect light well, their luster is gone. So too those of us who have been wounded and not let our Jeweler polish those wounds.
We are afraid of being cut. It hurts, it alters our present state and holds the power of death. Yet, without them, we are limited in the way we can reflect the light of God. However, sucumbing to His skillful hand and eye, we may hurt for but a while, but once polished by His healing we are able to reflect light in dark places that a general cutting would not render.
The divorce I am presently traversing is by far anything but pleasant. It is one of the more severe cuts yet to date. Nevertheless, if I am patience and yield to His design, I can reflect the healing He gives me to others who are experiencing the same thing. As a matter of fact, before all this took place, I used to boast how I was one of two of my immediate siblings who was still married. I didn't proclaim this in a hauty way, yet I knew in my heart it was a boast of pride.
I am not glad for the sorrow that comes to all involved in such an endeaver, however, I am eternally grateful for this cut iin my life. I can see clearer to others situations in this plight and can repent of my self righteousness. I want to be able to be a healing agent in the Hands of God, not a curse, reflecting His light in as many circumstances as He desires. Hwever, in order to do that, I need more facets, so one day my Father can look at this gem He has created and have His eyes dance to the light reflected even if it is sitting still.
Ever and Always...Beth


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