Sunday, February 24, 2008

By His Stripes.....

"By His stripes we are healed."
Isaiah 53:5 1 Peter 2:24

An interesting spin of this truth has come to me this day. Past doctrinal interpretations and usage of this passage gave credence to the ideology of Christ's earthly beatings being the balm of all ills which befall us in this life. However, as a Paraclete (one who walks alongside), I believe the Spirit of God has prompted a closer look.

The Old Testament repeatedly points to a rule of a "rod to a fool's back" lending to a healthy new understanding of things.

One might ask, "Are you saying beatings are good for people?"

Not necessarily, yet does not healing come, many times through deliberate wounding?

"That's ludicrous, you may say.

Yet, to remove infirmities of some types of cancer, tumors, or other deadly growths; a physician must first cut into the living body, severing blood pathways, slicing muscle, and bruising soft tissue in an attempt for complete healing to occur.

Although anesthetics soften or eliminate the pain of these procedures, a severe wounding, nevertheless, has occurred, evidenced by bruising and need of pain medications when the patient awakens. Chemotherapy burns flesh in order for a greater good. Patients endure these "stripes" so they might be fully healed. The goal of healing makes the wounds of practice easier to endure.

When my nose was broken last year, my face, nerves, and sinuses took a severe bludgeoning so that my face would be made whole again and function to its greatest potential.

My question, then is, "Why would these principles not be used in the Spiritual realm?" Maybe they are.

"By His stripes we are healed." Hmmmmm Surely He bore sin and death on the cross for me, but, perhaps, this verse also alludes to the stripe He inflicts ON me so I may be healed of the diseases incurred by living in a fallen world.

I have found it amazing when speaking with believers who experience loss, how they marvel at such events. I am not judging here, as I am one of those believers. Surely no one enjoys adversity, yet something is to be gained through it. Granted, God allows sorrow, difficulties, and pain for more reasons than we are able to understand in this life, and these reasons can vary according to each situation. However, do we consider the notion we are given such stripes for a greater healing?

I look back on the many pains I have harbored from my marriage with this lense. Indeed, I was overwhelmed, especially near its end as the stripes were passing from healing to death. I also was inflicting some pretty wide stripes of my own on my partner. Yet, if I re-examine some of the embarrassing and hurtful events of those years, I can see healing in many of those wounds.

They were used to tear me from the need for the approval of mankind or society. As long as I was married, my life would never meet mans' stamp of approval because my husband rarely functioned according to the unspoken rules of this world. Thus, he was viewed, not respected, as different by a world which does not understand an unseen kingdom. He set himself apart and determined to drag me with him. Through wounds of snickering, mockery, and disapproving stares, I learned the heart of mankind is fickle and subject to its own whims. I learned to find approval from God alone for He is the only one who is truly consistent. This has been quite advantageous for the work I do.

As a disclaimer, I am not encouraging separation from society or "doing one's own thing" despite the repercussions it causes for others. Certainly, no. The Bible speaks on many occasions concerning social and familial harmony, however, the lesson drawn is to not let any society or group, including church families to over ride by exclusion or inclusion, the work God has called you to. Go to those you trust, but keep an open ear to the Author and Finisher of your faith.

We all have different destinies and sometimes people we love do not understand why God would give us such a calling. However, it is at these times, one must seek His counsel, listen to His word, and step out in faith.

I still struggle with the desire to belong or the approval of mankind, yet, the work He many times sets before me, brings the opposite, much like the life of the Old Testament prophets. My pre-marriage days would have seen me succumb to social manipulation, perhaps Spiritually cripplesd for great lengths of time. However, under the stripes dealt when straying in the direction of social acceptance, the wounds inflicted today have a muted sting, while recovery is swifter than ever.

The Scriptures talk about world tribulation in expected tones. How much of a loving Father would we have if He sent us to such a world unprepared?

Lord, I thank you that "by Your stripes" I am being healed.

God Bless you all today...


Blogger Bru said...

Once again my dear sister you have written down in a timely manner what the Spirit is saying to many of us in the Body at this very hour. As I’m sure you know, this is a topic of discussion and searching by the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit that is currently taking place in our home. Proverbs 13:24 says, “He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.” Jesus refers to God as “Our Father”, and like any good and loving father he is careful to discipline us. And one thing I’ve learned from my loving father is that discipline is rarely effective without pain. He tells us that in order for the fruits of His Spirit to come forth in us, we need to be pruned. The definition of prune is to reduce, especially by eliminating superfluous matter, it also means to cut off or cut back parts of for better shape or more fruitful growth. I believe there are several terms used in the bible i.e., prune, discipline, refiner’s fire that all refer to the tribulation that we face in this world. And that only by humble submission through the Holy Spirit we are continually transformed into the likeness of our Father.
I know you know this, I just felt like saying it anyway!
Your brother in Christ,

8:18 AM  

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